
Apropos of nothing, I nearly fainted before getting on the Hades ride. I don't faint or have a fear of coasters so I take that as a sign the ride and the park itself is cursed. Still rode the coaster though

His resemblance to a giant is mentioned throughout the show and books. Old Nan's got some 'splainin to do

He's obviously part giant and the hybrid DNA is unstable, causing mental deterioration… duh

If anything he should be bi

The Moth-man of Hoffman Estates

Trojans or Mustangs???? The people need to know!

Phoebe had the stupidest powers and I felt bad for her, could not handle Pru and wasn't sad when she "died" but I have to say Paige was my fav, she took over the reckless younger sister spot and I liked her wayward disregard for hair continuity!

He was the voice of Nemo, I think he never has to work a day in his life if he doesn't want to

Marijuana is legalized in Washington state, so although she probably shouldn't do that on the job, she wasn't doing anything illegal

Who Framed Roger Rabbit was directed by Robert Zemeckis, not Spielberg, I guess Spielberg exec produced, the way it's written up there implies that Spielberg was the director

I assumed Lowell was put in place by Blaine to keep tabs on Liv, or that could have been a happy accident, but I wouldn't put it past him. It seems like Blaine's zombie scheme has been in motion since the boat party and Liv is a wild card to this whole thing, without her, he has no potential adversaries, he can't

They said in the second-ish episode that the Utopium Blaine was selling on the boat was cut with something and hinted at possibly he was the one who did the cutting right before he blood exploded those guys in the car. Which by the way, they continued to scream after the blood covered the windows which I thought was

Greyjoy sausages. Saltier than a Kraken's asshole!

I resemble that remark!

Some women, much like people, just don't prefer the company of other people! Now I'll agree on the "weird" part doesn't fit but they can be loners if they damn well see fit

Introverts come in all shapes and sizes y'know?

Death is on the menu toniiiiight


If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

I thought the female director was a perfect counterpoint to Pauly G, also a subversive depiction of how female directors need to overcompensate, if she acted like Pauly G, she'd be labeled a bitch while he's considered a tortured brilliant writer/director. Just an idea of why she was caricaturized