
Oh, come on. This was a good episode.

You have no idea just how happy this comment has made me.

Oh, no. This was loads better than a B.

Just catching up with this (we're a week behind you in the UK). I've loved this series; and this episode made me realise why. We're not in Coenland any more: this is the closest that TV's come to Thomas Pynchon- the same mixture of deadpan humour, surreal plotting, and a profoundly effective mixture of deeply felt

1) The charge burns his body & leaves the skull.
2) Because that part of the mechanism doesn't reset- which links to the answer to question 4
3) The Doctor did. It's his hell.
4) The confession dial isn't a place where you lodge your last will and testament. It's the place where you're interrogated, & where you confess

Doctor Who has already done death without ceremony (Rory's death in Angels in Manhattan).

I think you're confusing Doctor Who and Game of Thrones.

Is it too early to call It Follows one of the great horror films of the new millenium?
Er- no.

Erm- just read the first paragraph. All the stuff that you think the episode should have dealt with? It was secondary to the main point of the two-parter, which was the relationship between the Doctor and Davros.

Loved it that White Bear gets a bit of credit: it's one of the best ones. But the Black Mirror episode I haven't rewatched is White Christmas- the cumulative horror of it's really unsettling.

You're kidding me, right? This was one of the best episodes in what has already been the best series of Who since the reboot.

I've now got that image in my head. Help me.

Good question… Have loads of tea & scones, probably.

This was fine- not brilliant, but pretty good.