Michael Durkin


I fucking loved that show. HBO has pretty much all their shows On Demand except for that one, goddamnit

Machine. It's called a tattoo machine

Did people lose their shit over the ending of Fight Club? Wasn't that about a depressed dude who attempts suicide to solve his problems.

It mowed down soldiers with machine guns

Based on having a neive & nephew aged 9 & 10, I would put their age at 11

Can you site examples of what you're talking about in the second paragraph? The only one that sticks out to me is Jonathan not going to his mom once he believed in the no face creature

"I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but isn't it weird that only
Nancy seems concerned about Barb? You never see her family or any other
friends, no one at school mentions it, and the cops seem satisfied to
say "Well, looks like she skipped town" and then drop it forever."

I just realized something: What if the monster that brought Will to the Upside Down is different than the one that took Barb?

Spoiler if you haven't seen the last episode

Barb ended up right where she was next to the thing

Didn't Will cut himself falling off his bike?

Yo, it BROUGHT him there

I kept forgetting Mike & Nancy were related


Didn't the creature BRING Will to the other world? Why is the one chick dead but not Will?

"There are plenty of possible genre inspirations for Hawkins Lab’s doomed researcher’s name, but Mass Effect’s Lt. Commander Shepard or for that character’s namesake, Alan Shepard, seem most likely."

Kanye sells hole riddled sweaters for like two grand tho. one grand without the holes. Or like forty bucks at any other store

Just when I get sympathetic towards Box, though, he goes and makes Nas wear a Harvard shirt to look like an even bigger mark

It reminded me of the time I spent a night in a cell (for a crime I didn't commit). At the time I didn't even know what I was being charged with. They put me in with a bunch of other guys transferred over from a local prison. These were hard dudes and they were pissed they were at a district cell instead of their