Michael Durkin

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

Here's what they should've done wit this flick. Have Apocalypse be created and left in ancient Egypt (or further back) by aliens. When ever a major disaster has occurred throughout out history, it's because of Apocalypse. Everytime he is defeated, he returns stronger. Evolution. Survival of the fittest. The current

Because her sacrifice created a bottle neck, slowing the wights. and then the explosion even moreso

I thought LOST was over?

He was at 50-1 odds

I agree. Also, I get they recasted Leaf because the actor in season 4 was a child but that just makes me ask: Why cast a child in the first place?

Black Thought and Del the Funkee Homosapien too. And if you want to talk about verses blending with the beat, you gotta talk Pep Love

Is Aesop Rock mentioned in this? How about Ra The Rugged Man's verse on Uncommon Valor?

"Rereading Ellis’ zeitgeist-capturing tome (see the movie, which is great, and skip the book, which is garbage)"

Reboot. Set it in the 60's. Make it quirky. Have the team get stuck in the negative zone at the end. That way you can reintroduce them in the MCU in the present for Infinity War. Oh yeah, let Marvel handle everything

RIP- Mr. Snider

Why are we supposed to think him killing his brother was tough when he spent the first half of the episode shooting at him?

But it's racist if The Ancient One in Dr Strange is played by a non Asian?

Waitress serves The Punisher decaf in the diner

Yeah, no, this is incorrect. Like I said, they show the ship docked in Kings Landing then Trystane painting the eyes for Mycella's funeral. He's not in Dorne. go back and watch it

Green Mile went out like a sucker.

I noticed this. They messed up. The Sand Snakes were on shore with Ellaria when Jamie and Mycella departed last season. This past episode, after Doran is killed they cut to a shot of the ship Jamie & Mycella's body arrived in still moored in the waters of King's Landing, then Trystane sitting at his desk in what