finna get turnt

Favorite Psych episodes?

Some things just shouldn't exist.

Flashback episodes where any central character says something like "Oh man, I'm so glad I'm not like that!" when they're already like that in current time.

I'll miss the White Collar coverage.

I used to really love this show. It's a shame I'll have to stop watching it.


So anyone know the story about why so many artists are boycotting Threadless? I know Olly Moss was upset about something.

I've been meaning to watch this. Need to catch up.

That's weird, I was positive Metallica only released four albums.

I think the problem with the Capra Demon fight is that it was originally supposed to be just you versus the Capra, but even with the tiny fight space it was too easy so they threw in the dogs for some added difficulty. At this point in my Dark Souls career I breeze through the fight every time, but in the beginning it

Dark Souls is the only thing keeping me from giving up gaming altogether. It's a perfect gaming experience. Demon's was phenomenal and was the only reason I bought a PS3, but the way Dark Souls is built really is everything that was once great about gaming.

I know it might be a way to write her off the show, but Elizabeth never even considering staying with Peter in NY was great. Good for her.

Pops: How did you know it was me?

Stop trying to make Enlightened happen.

The first song felt like a ripoff of South Park's 'Mountain Town'. The rest was really uninteresting.

So countdown until June dies? Mid-season finale?

I love Envy. Favorite will always be Insomniac Doze. Such an excellent album.