
No, it's not too much to ask for a fifteen hour game, but it'll never be an RPG or an Open world dealy. Good under 20 hour campaigns like Resident Evil, Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4 and The Last of Us (to name a few recent ones for me) don't quite scratch that same itch.

Do you have a PS3? There is a PS3 version.

No fair, we still have to wait a whole week! I was going to get Nier Automata before this, but I won't have time to play it before Persona 5 comes out. I guess Nier will have to wait for a price drop, unfortunately.

Eggs are incredibly versatile, they can do anything from playing pinch hitter in any number of dishes, to harassing me on Twitter for criticizing Donald Trump. Delicious!

Let's see…this game looks rad as hell, Persona 5 is coming out on the fourth (wish I could still get the special edition), Horizon: Zero Dawn looked cool…also it's my birthday at the end of this month, I think I'm going to get myself a PS4 for my birthday. I deserve it.

Politics Corner is dead! Long live Politics Corner!

I'm going to say yes, he probably started a committee to stop Donald from seeing the comments, because we were mean to him. Now Trump can get his Game of Thrones news in peace.

So, slightly related but not really, how many fucking committees is Jason Chaffetz on? I mean, come the fuck on, it's like he's that kid in high school who is part of every club, tries to continue that sort of extracurricular excellence in college, and then eventually snaps, burns out and becomes a stoner working at

Why are we over here? I don't want to be over here. I want to be down there ↙↙↙↙↙.

To give you a long answer, Smackdown is the younger show and is traditionally the "B" show, and has been lower rated (with the exception of early this year). How the WWE uses Smackdown depends on the era though. It currently is it's own show, with its own superstars, but it has also just been an extension of RAW (with

Smackdown is live now, it was taped for a very long time. You had that backwards. Traditionally it was taped on Tuesday night, and aired on Thursday or Friday.

I think they've just decided that the commenters will still comment, and people will still read, despite what they do with the articles, so they are cutting costs by not making these nearly as in depth, and just having staff writers do it (instead of the contributors like Latoya and Alasdair).

So what, try to play Overwatch over a public (or work, or wherever you are) Wifi connection? I mean I get you are saying anywhere, but really you mean anywhere they have strong enough internet, and you can also get the console to connect to the internet (not always a given, considering I have almost never been in a

I love John Oliver, but if he honestly thinks that Trump is going to have to, in any way, account for something he said, he hasn't been paying attention.

Early prediction, the movie about this fuck up, and how Moonlight won Best Picture, wins Best Picture next year.

iZombie is getting fucked over by the CW, Season 3 is probably going to be the last, which is a goddamn shame.

I think I'm going back into The Division, after abandoning it some time ago. I restarted with a fresh character, as did one of my friends, and I think we're going to commit to this thing. I really like the game, as long as I stay out of competitive, and the loot system scratches the itch quite nicely.

I got the Legendary Mei skin, (the red one), the Legendary Zenyatta skin, and the Tracer Epic that's black with the flowers. I really want the Roadhog skin, but I don't think I'll have that sort of luck (and I'm almost out of credits).

Actually, Nixon was a carnival barker…just sayin.

Preparing for a 2020 run, of course. That's all the third parties do in America, is mope and announce their candidate for president, and then mope some more.