Well a diet of (no shit) red meat and whickey is bound to catch up with you someday.,
Well a diet of (no shit) red meat and whickey is bound to catch up with you someday.,
( . )( . )
Hey! The leaderboard for the Cupcake Conundrum DLC is difficult as hell and a prestigious honor! Seriously xxAngelPonySparklezxx is fucking unpassable. UNFUCKINGPASSABLE! GODDAMMIT I BAKED LIKE 12 TIMES AS MANY CUPCAKES THIS WEEK LASGKUFVBUOFVBASUKDVBCIASUdVGSDLFHGV!
Improvement! That was a nice multiplayer kill, especially as it looked like that guy was about to use his special power (the titan fisty ground-poundy thing?). If that was me getting killed like that I would be screaming bullshit at the TV, because that guy had you. And that's really a big part of multiplayer gaming,…
He kind of looks like Asher Forrester from the Telltale game…weird.
Dwarves who unhinge their jaw to dig through the earth propelled by farts and use this skill to become master thieves? An ancient bodyguard training school? Technologically advanced subterranean super-race of fairy tale creatures? Time Travel? Count me the fuck in!
A few points, I'm sleepy tonight. I wouldn't say classic music is better, so much as more memorable. A lot more memorable. I made the point two weeks ago or so (when riffing off of Teti's EGttR questions) that simple themes stick in the mind more, and I maintain that that's true. Less is more. Also music in older…
You know, I only cringed like six times watching Alex's footage; it could have been worse, I wasn't actively yelling at the screen. Part of mastering a shooter is innate. It's getting to know the shooter and how the weapons and systems work. I don't know if Destiny was the best choice for this whole thing, since it's…
The A.V. Club
I think we were talking about how totally baked we are, maaaaaaaaaaan.
The only time I ever ingested weed was a pot brownie that made me paranoid about the dumbest shit. Also we watched the 1976 version of Carrie and swung between hilarious and terrified.
This was the kind of thing you could get away with in 2010. Nowadays if I heard about someone making a video game based on The Divine Comedy, particularly Inferno, I would assume that it was a walking simulator that stays close to it's source material and you actually explore the different layers of hell and converse…
Also they charged $19 to delete your account, and apparently it did nothing.
I know, that Suckerfish guy they featured is a rambling idiot.
Weird, for me, Skyrim was the complete opposite, I was totally sold on it from the beginning. About a hundred hours later, I had yet to complete the main plot and I kind of gave up. The only open world game I've managed to complete since then was GTA V, and it doesn't really count. So I guess Skyrim gave me an open…
Oh hey, you guys used my comment, and made it readable! Hooray! Also, I'm just going to say that while I would love a nuanced follower romance system, I would not be opposed to Bethesda just saying fuck it, and going the Saint's Row 4 route. Either way could work for the series, really.
I laughed way harder at this then I should have.