
So, I called the number, and I kind of want to send money, and also a subscription to Playboy, because why fucking not?

They actually did recently release an update that improved Jet Force Gemini's controls, from what I've heard. I haven't tested how improved they are.

So, I'm going to ask the obvious question, who did you choose? My own answer below.

To be fair, the versions of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie on Rare Replay are updated Xbox 360 versions, so they probably ironed out a lot of control issues in those versions when they came out originally.

There are a lot of games that have soundtracks that end up sticking in my ear, although probably for different reasons than Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Whenever Ocarina of Time gets mentioned I always hear Saria's Song (link) in my head, for instance. Similarly I always hear the world map theme for Dragon Quest 8

That whole joke wasn't even that fresh when Weird Al did Straight Outta Lynwood almost 10 years ago. (Although Weird Al obviously made it work, because he's Weird Al)

Football Pre-season already huh? This year has been creeping up on me, before I know it there will be Pumpkin Spice outrage, leaves will start changing, it'll start getting cold, Ug-Thrak the rage beast will begin to devour the world as foretold in the prophecy, and it will be time for Halloween!

God, I love John Oliver, I hope we get to see Jon Stewart be a guest on Last Week Tonight at some point (maybe for election coverage?).

Phil Spencer, Head of the Xbox division, has made some drastic changes and really respects his audience, and his promotion was probably the best thing Microsoft has done for the Xbox since snatching up Bungie before they put Halo on the Mac. It helps that Don Mattrick ("We have a product for people who aren't able to

Still in the game's early hours, I can agree that the Nemesis system is goddamn amazing. Who knew that the key to getting me to want to kill my enemies is to give them a cute epithet and have them kill me an ungodly amount of times?

Oooooo as the one other person who played Resonance of Fate, I am looking forward to your take. Guns! Unexplained Technology! Plot Contrivances! Cute outfits!

*Looks in rolodex of AVC memes…plays an ungodly amount of DOA, and then get's fantastic grip strength afterwords*

I am with you on the JRPG's, sinking that many hours into a game is difficult, and I don't have kids or that many responsibilities (although I do work between 40 and 48 hours a week). Persona 3 FES was the last one I finished, and the last part took a titanic amount of effort…only for me to discover there was an

Microsoft, despite being the relative newcomer to the console game, really seems to understand that they need to preserve their games, and that they should be played. Rare Replay and their upcoming backwards compatibility are obviously examples of this, but they also definitely kept the purists happy with the

Whaling, only with lightning bolts instead of harpoons, which is all sorts of badass. I mean, I'm assuming you use lightning bolts, having a Pikachu shooting lightning over the starboard side of a whaler at a Gyarados is a pretty cool image.

He was pretty great as Nolan North in Saint's Row 4, as well.

The fucking Xur articles, every single fucking gaming site has that shit and it drives me up a wall.

Kingler claw meat is probably delicious, and you know that the meat from bug Pokemon is probably some sort of super food, considering the amount of protein insects have per pound can be radically high.

Silent Hill was pretty good, if a little bit cheesy. I felt like they definitely captured the feel of the game.

6 hour undercard, 34 second main event.