
The fact that they're so much older raises the specter of mortality, truly the ultimate horror.

Well, Alicia and Will were photographed at a hotel together, and a lot of Alicia's enemies seemed to think that proved they were sleeping together, even though, at the time, they were not (they were at the hotel researching a case). Point it, it kind of did leak, even before it happened.

I said that last week!


He was also Wednesday Addams' camp boyfriend in Addams Family Values. Also as a child actor, he appeared on an episode of Law&Order as a child molestation victim.

My family's first cable box, from the early 1980s, had a dial. Ah, memories.

I'm laughing already!

There will probably have to be incest anyway, even if they introduce a second woman.

Supernatural is a big offender of "Previously on…" spoilers too.

Ugh, I hate when previews put the huge final moment of the episode in the fucking preview!

I'm pretty sure Adams didn't write the movie. He had been dead for awhile by that point, so unless he left a script lying around, it's not likely (and even if he did write a script before his death, the Hollywood rewrite process would have made some big changes to it, enough that it couldn't be considered to have been

Well, if they're going to even have a chance to repopulate the species, they're going to have to be a polyamorous (and incestous) relationship. I mean, their kids will have to inbreed, unless they find more survivors.

She could disavow the PAC if she wanted to: Peter did it in season 2, when he (re-)ran for SA. Remember that flyer that questioned whether Wendy Scott-Carr was "one of us" (i.e. authentically black) that was distributed in black neighborhoods? When Peter found out that the flyer was the work of his PAC, he disavowed

I hope the finale of the entire season will revolve around Alicia, now serving as States Attorney, getting caught sleeping with prostitutes and send to jail. She'll have to give a press conference. Will Peter stand by her side?

Yeah, in the end, Florrick-Agos ended up being just what many of us feared it would: The Michael Scott Paper Company of The Good Wife. Back when "Hitting The Fan" aired last season, a lot of us were worried that the new firm would end up being a quick diversion, and that the status quo would be restored before too

Yeah, everyone here seems to hate the Alicia campaign storyline, but I love it.

I know, right? I love Jesse L. Martin's performance in this show. Remember how tickled he was when Barry showed him his vibrating vocal chords trick? There was a similar moment in this week's episode as well. Martin seems to be having fun, and I'm having fun watching him!

Regarding the other kids at the school and their issues (or lack thereof): there was that creepy kid who liked knives and fire in the cooking class a few weeks back. So…there's at least two kids with actual issues at that awful school.

Did they say where Ray's book store was located? If I recall correctly, the exterior they used was on St. Mark's Place (i.e. downtown).

Yeah, I mildly enjoyed the episode…it had some fun bits, and it was nice to see the Futurama folks again. I didn't like the Seymour cameo, because not only did it remind me of a much better episode, but it made no sense because, as the review says, Seymour is in NYC, not Springfield.