
I can only imagine what the tree scene from Evil Dead would've done to you.

Also unfortunately, Edlund's work on Revolution means he'll be unable to write for Supernatural this season. His episodes are generally the best ones of that show's seasons, so it's a shame he won't be there.

I thought of another! The way Monroe and Miles were rattling off the names of cities and immediately knowing which strategy to employ reminded me of Angel, when Spike and Angel were working together trying to find a cure for Fred. It was a nifty moment, but then I'm a sucker for that

I liked this week's episode, and there were a couple of familiar moments (I'm not knocking the show, just mentioning them):

I don't know why everyone's always knocking Padelcki. I think he's a good actor, on Supernatural at least.

Yeah, start watching again. This new season is a lot better than last year. It's not the best thing ever, but it's a good show now, whereas last season it was an exercise in frustration.

I should add, though, that I was also annoyed when Jim Beaver got killed. I was so happy to see him ride into town at the start of the episode, only to have him snatched away!

Yeah, I'm digging this show now too. Last season, I watched out of a sense of obligation almost. I figured it must be a good show, because of Eric Kripke and JJ Abrams' involvement. This season has finally justified my decision to stick with it (even if it took Ben Edlund to get this show into high gear).

Even if it is impenetrable, the angels could lay siege to it. Sam, Dean, and whoever else happens to be there (Kevin, Cas, Crowley maybe?) would be stuck.

What's the deal with reapers anyway? When we first met them, they seemed like completely supernatural beings that only looked human for the sake of the souls they were taking. Now they are corporeal and have day jobs and whatnot. Huh?

CGI rat, perhaps?

I liked this episode pretty well (more than the reviewer, apparently). I'm not sure why so many people reacted negatively to it.

@avclub-3a53af9e954d9043d860719e175d72fe:disqus - Is there really a consensus? I've heard that the only accounts of Jesus come from Christian sources, not Roman ones. Romans were diligent record keepers, so, the theory goes, if Jesus existed, there would be writings about him from Roman sources, or at least from other

Don and Mary?

I dunno, these first few episodes were ok, but watching last night's episode (and the preview for next week), I found myself agreeing with the reviewer: I watch some Monster of the Week episodes! Enough with the angels and demons. In every other season, Supernatural found a balance between these two things. They need

One of the ways in which X-Files was an important influence was that in addition to all the things it got right, there were the things it got around, making it, on some levels, a cautionary example. Joss Whedon was influenced by X-Files, and I think that's why each season of Buffy had its own villain and main story

Your right, for some reason I was thinking he wrote 3 X-Files instead of 4.

We saw a couple different little girl vessels for Lilith, if memory serves.

Katherine and Jeremy aren't related, but still, if they hooked up, it would be very incest-y (which means I'm sure the fanfic is already written and is out there somewhere on the internet).

Agreed about the lion. That was one of the most brilliant things I've seen on this, or any show.