Jaime Lannister

I said somewhat ruthless.

I don't know about that getting the characters right thing. They have been known to take somewhat ruthless, but still loving family men, and turn them into cousin murdering rapists.

Seriously, just because someone seems like an alpha male doesn't mean that they actually go around fucking a lot of women. You might be surprised at how few women they've actually slept with. And you never know when the thing that made them an "alpha" in the first place will be cut from their life. Trust me, I know.

Since they love Perrault so much, Disney could try to adapt Donkeyskin, in which the dying queen makes the king promise to only remarry if he can find a bride as beautiful as she was. Unfortunately the only girl who meets that criteria is their daughter, but that fariytale is a bit depraved for my tastes.

It's like my buddy George had it. Why Graves decided to take what was clearly some consensual good old fashioned bodice ripping and turn in to a hard R is beyond me

Too soon.

Want to hear about the weirdest place I've ever had sex?

I don't mean my grave. I mean the grave of anyone who finds out.

I don't know. Some secrets are best taken to the grave.

Being cuckolded is indeed a raw deal, but when an ill-considered marriage gets in the way of true love, sometimes it has to be done. I suppose it's easy for me to be flip though, since my lover would never cheat on me.

What up, girl. How you livin'?

That's some pretty weak daddy issues. Sure my father can procure his own prostitutes, but that just leads to a whole different set of problems.

There are other spurious links too.

Don't believe everything you see on tv.

Step-siblings fucking is wrong.

I don't know what you're talking about. And even if I did, which I don't, that's not the sort of thing one comes out about alone.

See that's what I thought too, but then he confessed to me in person. He may have been lying though, as he also said a bunch of hurtful things about Lancel, Osmund Kettleblack and Moon Boy for all he knew, and I'm pretty sure those things weren't true.

I love him almost as much as a man could love a sibling, but he did kill my… nephew.

Not that I'm an expert on incest or anything, but I've stumbled upon my brother having sex numerous times and I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.

It seems to me that by this point spanking is so mild a fetish that it's a wonder one would even need to come out about it at all. Hell I've considered coming out about my fetish and it's… something different.