
In Sex Crate, there's always wood.

Yeah, I've thought about that too. Broad City has been much less willing to go totally off-kilter and take creative risks this season. And when they have (for example, "Val," who seemed to be designed as a bizarre Garol-esque character), the efforts have been so self-aware of their absurdity, so try-hard, if you will,

The pegging episode was brilliant, but for me it's been the only highlight of the season. From there it's gone downhill.

I posted this elsewhere, but for the sake of dialogue, I'll repeat:

I would define the borderline-transphobic moments as :

Yeah, I thought 1, 3, and 4 were pretty good, but in my eyes it's dropped off since then.

So trans panic is somehow more excusable?

Totally agree! It feels like there's a weird focus on cinematography this season that's eclipsing a lot of the comedy- all the gratuitous framing sequences and what not. There's also been a lot of wide, "look how professional this is" shots this season that take away from the sublime claustrophobia season 1 created.