Mike Jones

Good episode tonight, thank god Raj is finally doing well in dating. Hope it lasts.

Yeah odd plot he could buy both if wanted to. Guess he only wanted one.

Well we can can interpret the show as we like, but I don't see it.

Yeah I don't think they do, there is love there. All the couples bicker.

Yeah this was an hilarious episode on the rewatch, the conspiring between Mitch and Jay, the evil smile by Cam. God I love this show.

Ah yeah, well Manny's got a funny side no reason couldn't be invited somewhere.

Well Luke bought him with him right, he was a tag along.

Meh just Ok? I thought this episode like most episodes this season have been very good. I would say B+ for this one.

I will miss this show when gone, so glad Barney and Robin got married. Lets hope stay that way.