I think arrows writers in general are just bad, and every cast member has gone through rough patches where they are just being written terribly.
I think arrows writers in general are just bad, and every cast member has gone through rough patches where they are just being written terribly.
Now if Rebels could just manage to put Ashoka and Leia togeather, in a mentor/mentee relationship and ditch the ghost crew Rebels could be what it was always meant to be. bonus points if they can find a way to include Wedge Antillies (who is also the same age as esra and Leia)
For some reason after I watch Star Wars rebels it just leaves me cold. It doesn't feel right to me. I came back on board for season 2 hopeing we'd get to see more of Ashoka Tano. I really want to love this show, but the more I watch it. The more annoyed I get that we are watching some try hard jedi's fight pretend…
Personally at the time I preferred other shows. I thought BSG got too much credit for being overly grimdark. (Yes I know it's the end of the world but still) might need to re watch a few episodes
Wonderful 101 is well worth it if you like Scifi Action games. But fair warning the difficulty curve is punishing early. Also its much easier to play with a pro controller and not use the drawing function on the game pad.
Here's an idea. What if they never tortured Simmons. The whole point was getting fitz to crack with the illusion of torture. Hydra could have made Jemma scream once then played it on loop.
At this point to adhere to comic book canon it would be easier to reveal that Felicity is Dinah Drake. long lost great great granddaughter of sir Francis Drake(who has a magical Mcguffin that will help them beat Damien Dark), Whom her mother decided to call felicity after the TV show than have Laurel and Oliver date.
I really want to like rebels. But it just doesn't feel right.
Totally Disagree. Ive played through The Mass Effect trillogy too many times to count. Both as MaleShep and FemShep.
While both are interesting in their own right. To me Male Shep is the far more interesting character.
Counterpoint: Play as a bisexual and try and instigate a lesbian relationship.
I would have just prefered that "the Jedi exile" was Female Revan, and KOTOR2 continued her story. But of course Bioware/obsidian had to give you a new character so you could level up their skills and earn XP again.
Apart from creating an alternate Earth just to bring back Wells
I'm not a shipper, To me Barry and Iris have something that's low maintenance and i like that. They have been in love with each other and lived together for over a decade. Whatever love they have for each other (be it romantic or fraternal) its a mature and developed bond, so seeing sparks isn't that important.
I just banged Ashley, then let her die so I could bang liara. So kaiden got to live on my play through
If you are playing as anything other then a light side female you are getting the least nuanced story.