Naomi was c-section- I don't think they were showing her birth as bad. Except that Nomi's mother is bad. Some of the others were caught by surprise-(Sun in a graveyard during some festival) I don't think it was anti-hospital.
Naomi was c-section- I don't think they were showing her birth as bad. Except that Nomi's mother is bad. Some of the others were caught by surprise-(Sun in a graveyard during some festival) I don't think it was anti-hospital.
You may want to skip over the next episode.
Migraines are the worst.
Of course Kala would have completed the ceremony if Wolfgang didn't show up.
Sun is multifaceted and awesome. Wait a few episodes.
It's not just her period- she has to make a decision to give her dog away because she has decided to take the fall for her awful brother.
Netflix has Steel Magnolias and The Master- not Magnolia. Doesn't seem fair
Yes. <spoilers>
I have a perry whooping cushion plus-deflated, but still cute
I didn't dig the book Cloud Atlas. So, I skipped the movie. After I finished Sense8 I watched Cloud Atlas and loved it. Film has become sophisticated. Writers can often circumvent "problems" in the source material.
I haven't thought of Carnivale in forever…
I was just about to chime in on this. If the choice was any clone or Gracie- who would any of the clone club choose. Their alliance was tenuous at best.
Its not a coincidence they share the same birthdate. Why August 6th? I don't know
The song is " What's up" because Marvin Gaye did "What's going on"
I was thinking you meant Kala.
I think the real reason they say, "Don't tell your parents" is that young people are easier to control.
"Don't think too hard sweetie, it's not becoming-and I'd hate something to happen to that pretty face"
I loved BSG, even the dippy quasi religious stuff. I loved this episode (4) most of all- but I can see where it is not everyone's cup of tea.
And saving Nomi from a lobotomy.
Even the supporting characters are good people-Daniela just wants to be a good friend, not get a payday, Rajan, Amita. Any other show- one of them would be working for the "big bad"
I like that they didn't autotune better singing. Daring hospital escape karaoke is the best karaoke.