Michael Em

There are so many overtly creepy things in Twin Peaks that sweet moments are often interpreted as creepy?

I don't think the time was shifted.
Where else do you think it is shifted?
Everybody's on board?
The story seems more straightforward to me than people think. Some people are still thinking the Dougie stuff is from years ago.
Becky is still being the type of girl that her mother was. She thought her boyfriend was going

It seems like a lot of Twin Peaks viewers get too invested into the Macguffins.

There is also a meta level to the whole thing. when Lynch opens up the door and sees a scene from Fire Walk With Me it is like he is being haunted by an unfinished story.
when Audrey laments that everything is not right, we can't believe it as well. It is like she is aware of her persona in the t.v. show.
So often

I like Game of thrones but after watching Twin Peaks it seems to lack a true visual imagination. Don't get me wrong! Game of Thrones is great but it is waaaaaaay talkier than Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks has a style that calls attention to itself. The show can probably be understood by a person with no language skills. The

Lynch made a movie using cheap digital cameras. When he did it he liked the digital look.
People in our culture at this particular time prefer a polished look and mistake that as the sign of quality.
Photographs are more popular than illustrations nowadays to communicate messages in our mass media because we are

Yeah! We put them into a human zoo! People would look at them through a glass partition.

That depends on the film-maker.
It's an aesthetic decision. Scorcesse for example, is famous for not caring about such things. The honesty of the performance or capturing something else in the scene is more important than continuity. Lars Von Trier too. They will have a scene that is out of focus and use it if they

Watching this as a Canadian , it feels odd because our government used to show these Canadian 'propaganda' commercials called, 'A Canadian Moment,' where our Canadian bear was what inspired Milne.
We were shown a skit of the little boy naming the bear "Pooh" at our Winnipeg Zoo,
inspired by our bear!
It always seemed

He would just pay some other prisoners to protect him with his millions.
Nobody is going to rape him. People are just trying to visualize it because they want him to get his comeuppance.

Fritz the Cat was a cash grab made against the artists' wishes. Fantastic Palnet is an imaginative triumph.

Kim Basinger isn't the type of actress to commit to bizzaro visions. She ruined Ralph Baskhi's Cool World, according to him. She wouldn't commit to the character the way he wanted.

If the mainstream was like that, the rest of the entertainment would have followed that as their lead and the public would not have made his reality show so popular. The T.V. world would be different. A hobo might as easily become the reality T.V. king and become the president in that universe.

People are so judgemental in their critiques of artists. That is a pitfall of personal work. It tends to be less calculated and audience tested. The majority of people have some pretty shocking things in their heads but they don't create so they are always safe to judge. What about judging the art?

Why is a writer considered an ego-maniac if they write about what they know? It seems that people want to keep things impersonal and that would be just fine.

Self-indulgent to the modern film-goer maybe, but in the art world the word used would be 'personal.' The memoir form is accepted in literature. Why do modern film critics want art to be so impersonal? Nobody would criticize an author for writing a memoir. The modern viewer is more comfortable with genre. Personal

Would you say the same about people in the B.D.S.M. community that 'rape' each other with consent?

She really committed to a movie made in the early nineties where her arms and legs were cut off by an obsessive lover. Why do people think she was bad?
I think the Twin Peaks Returns script may have almost scared her away but she's doing a great job of being this person she became. People say she's not a good actor but

Those are really bad for the visual effect. Actually I'm surprised Lynch hasn't made fun of those yet.

It also started the weird phenomenon of smokers not wanting their cigarette butts in their car ashtrays. Every smoker seems to throw their cigarette butts out their windows so their car doesn't smell so 'infected.' Way back when I used to smoke, people were used to the smell of tobacco everywhere. Modern smokers have