that was deep…. :) and so true.
that was deep…. :) and so true.
And she did… I saw Biana laughing… Dela did use the wrong word, I would have read her as well…. the nerve of it all…
But after she apologized, so did Bianca… and I think they are both great.
Hello help me out here… since I am not a naive speaker I do get lost with some very "jokes from the inside"… I don't know what the oxymoron was…
I could not go through a second plot… they did it with Dela, not with Bianca please :(
Courtney should have been eliminated against Joslyn during the commercial episode, because that commercial was boring, compared to dela/darienne that added a bit of comedy.
Darienne should have been sent home for that holographic suit alone…
oh no!!!! if Ru paul is trying to make up for not having Latrice in the top, with Darienne… I am stopping watching this show.
it is like season 3: where Raja, manila and Alexis monopolized most of the wins…. or season 4: where Sharon won 1/3 of the entire challenges.
Hey if somebody says a remark like that, even after clearing the air still there is comments after… I do not think Bianca was wrong by doing so.
Adore was awesome!!!!
I absolutely loved season 3!!!!…. and season 4 as well but mainly because of Sharon.
I know right?… in what world is Dela's outfit less diverse than Courtney's mini skirt and same wig she wore on the Rusical?….. fuck that shit.
yes…. we all know that Ru does whatever he wants all the way until the finals.
I am happy he took under his wing: Sharon, Adore, Jinx, Manila…. other wise Chad would have won season 4…. or Jinx would not have won season 5….
bring trinity and April back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with the Dela part, she should have stayed… But the part with Adore, I see it as you not liking her and is the same as the editor he likes her and praises her… you don't and you don't.
I do think Adore is not better overall than Bianca for example, but everything is more interesting than Courtney definitely.
If I was in the US and there is a reunited with 4… I would tottaly go and poke Darienne with a pin…. boom!!!… now there is 3 :)
I agree that Bianca is the freaking past, present and future super star but omg!!!… can there be two crowns?… Adore is my Sharon of this season!!!
Love your comment!… I agree with everything related to the untucked. And Adore is so freaking Adorable…
On another note, I think was really admirable of Dela to give Adore what she referred as "easy jewels" I loved dela for that.
true… I noticed that earlier… only Aodre and Bianca have 3 wins :) if Adore kills the video challenge as I think she will… she will be right neck to neck with Sharon needles for winning 4 challenges.
I like your input…
The elimination was really unfair, and agreeing with you that what has been done in the past counts Trinity should have been eliminated over April… or Trinity should have been also saved in the lip sync vs Adore.
Courtney should have definitely been in the btm2….
I don´t get what you mean? like eliminated just like that?… like she never existed?…