daniel kirk

Can't believe we already got the Hound and Arya at the Inn with Polliver scene. Needle is back people. Also loved Joff criticizing Jaime's entry in the Kingsguard book, because that would have never worked the way it did in the novel and I think it translated really well here. Oberyn was all kinds of fucking amazing.

What is it if he has sex with her under false pretenses so that he can commit a murder and use her as an alibi though? Especially since it is, and this is purely speculation, his eventual murder of Alana that will finally provoke Jack to arrest him. We're on shaky ground, at best. I only used that term because there

The devil always covers his tracks. But how did he know she would wear that dress? He has a keen sense of smell, and managed to somehow choreograph that entire event while presumably planning and executing an entire series of Chesapeake Ripper style murders. And everyone except for Tree-Man just disappears, please

But when Alana finds out about Hannibal's actions, if he doesn't kill her first, wouldn't she be disgusted with the fact that he purposefully did this in order to use her for an alibi? I mean, I know it's not technically that, that's why I said basically, but it's just very despicable circumstances, if you ask me.

Valar morghulis, amiright folks.
Ba dam tshhh

Chills when Crawford found Miriam. Chills.
Hannibal winking to Chilton and the resultant shaky cane expression was amazing.
Poor, poor Gideon. Wait, what he did to that nurse in Season 1 was terrible. Nevermind, I guess. This show is really damn good, isn't it?
I cannot believe Hannibal roofied and basically date-raped

"He believes he found her on her own, but something about the way the sequence is structured makes me believe that Hannibal's pulling the strings."
I definitely got the sense that Hannibal wanted Crawford to discover Miriam in that final scene.
Who the hell knows why, she is the only person presumably living(I don't

That first shot of Tree-Man in the parking lot was so wow I didn't even know where Hannibal had placed him until Crawford arrived on the scene. He just appeared to be in some slate black, foggy and ethereal place.

Thank you for that cover picture.

I was actually kind of hoping that the show would just say f it and have Mike take the job and somehow conceive of a way to write him working in some capacity with Harvey and the rest of the firm. I don't know how they would have done it, but it would have made him legitimate and he and everyone else involved would

Sad that if you drew a Venn Diagram comprising A.V. Club visitors and Suits viewers, the membership has seemed to dwindle to solely myself. Terrific review, Carrie!
Love all of your reviews. Especially True Blood. You do that show right? I love how you embrace it's insanity, I'm positive you do those reviews. Guess

I was seriously hoping that he had somehow established some line of communication with Carol and Tyreese outside of Terminus and that he was going to reveal they were going to let them out when night fell. And that he had left Judith with them because she would be safer with Carol, and he would trust her because she

I really liked the fact that all of the Terminus snipers seem to be retired Stormtroopers.

He's only doing it to get back at his true love, Will Graham. That's incredibly rude, insufferably so.

That's how Hannibal reads all of his Tattlecrime gossip.

I really wanted to hear what he had to say after he said "I know why life is precious," to the nurse.

"We are not talking about morality or ethics here are we Dr. Lecter, but rather the concealing their abscence."
Chilton's performance may have been underrated last season but only because he was underused. This go around he is killing every scene, every episode.

Isn't that really all that matters?

"so we were constantly referencing that this has to be Lynchian or Cronenbergian in its aesthetic. That really applies across the board to, not just the sets that we designed, but the locations that we find."

But when Hannibal hooks up with Alana, he will be more disgusted with himself than he ever has before, which is really saying something.
I'm just wondering how ordering a hit on Lecter will play into Will becoming exonerated and a Special Agent again, because it seems like a pretty bad mark to have on one's record.