daniel kirk

That was a great passage, Goggins was reading, wasn't it? It's nice to know the actors behind the show were all so respectful of the guy who created the work, and the characters they portray, as well as the fact that they had such a meaningful relationship that his loss seemed to bring Olyphant and Joelle to tears.


Dilly's stutter was better than Low Winter Sun.
ETA: But yeah, I rewatched that scene, twice. So good.

"He has certainly inspired many whistle-blowers, and then proceeded to incarcerate them."

Wow, I did not know that about the decision to make Shelby Drew Thompson literally months into the season's production. There is a scene where he's in his sheriff's office looking up Drew Thompson on his computer in the second episode I think, perhaps that was filmed later, or right after they made the decision? It


Yes, it was added last week. Definitely would recommend a revisit, but that's just my opinion. Like I mentioned above, I had a kind of a similar viewing experience to yours where I would tune in when it was on, but when I sat down and watched them all in order it was probably the best show I've seen on FX, other than

As long as you can still watch, all is well. Is that irony, or the gods of patriotism calling you? I don't think we'll know.

That's right, I remember seeing one of those for Boardwalk Empire. It seems premature to prescribe a summation of Justified's 5th Season based on the first two episodes, but then again, there are a few features of the new AV Club that make me scratch my head. coughNuDisquscough
In this case I retract my previous

I have mad empathy for you my friend, I no longer have to work until 11 but I certainly remember the drill. You can DVR it, yea? Nice thing to look forward to after you finish your military police work with Cole. If not, as Ben Franklin said, "There's always the Internet."

I fucking love Justified. Cannot wait to see this new episode season. More Boyd and Wynn Duffy PLZ. Why isn't the review going up after the episode airs though? I'm gonna piss in somebody's sock and put it in their mouth.

I just caught up with the entirety of 'Justified' over break between classes, and I cannot wait for this new season to start. I've seen various episodes, caught Season 2 when it aired, then for some reason dropped off during season 3 only to watch the one episode with Dewey Crowe and his 4 kidneys. Saw only the end of

One of the most perfect scenes I've ever seen on TV.

He was like the Marlo to Jesse's Avon.

There's also things he himself will do in Season 4, and onwards that will deeply affect the story, so there's that.

I really loved this show, the TVClub's What's On Tonight let me know when it would be premiering, and I only recorded it because of the hype. I was expecting the most ridiculous show ever. A Hannibal show on network television? On NBC?
Wow, I remember commenting that it was unlikely to be renewed. What a wonderful

No, she's with the children of the corn.

NUCKY:"I'm on the phone!"
PISTOL IN THE AIR:"Chalky comin'!"

Remember the good times and keep him in your heart and he'll always be with you. I'm so sorry he passed away, but everything will be okay. He knows you loved him and he loved you so just keep that in mind when it gets hard. I am very sorry for your loss though, I went through the loss of a family member, though not a

He's dead, like the review says, washed out with the tide.
Boardwalk Empire likes to hit you over the head with its symbolism. Or symbology as Dan Brown likes to call it.