Michael Brooks

In the parking lot he had the ability to place snipers thus keeping the upper hand, while in the hospital hallway they were in a choke point with advantage to the home team.

The bad cops were just cliched villains with no motivations at all. They were just eviiiiiiiiil.

Tactical Morons: That's what this show breeds.

I love the idea that a magic mirror has a redial button.

I call shenanigans on Joe being found dressed after the wendigo ate his friends. The transformation later clearly results in the clothes you are wearing to be torn off.

I don't buy yoga being relaxing with Abbie working across from you in that top she was wearing.

Once, but I damn well went back for it.

If the Pied Piper was a creature resurrected by Moloch like The Horseman why would they need Hawley to get the Bone Flute? Wouldn't he just hand it over once he had his new one?

Hawley had some type of manacles on though.

Also not explained is why was the Bone Flute just laying there in the muck to find?

New batch may reset things. The first child of the second batch will be taken. Now I'm overthinking.

I guess they had more kids after that batch died.

The Pied Piper giving up his twin blades for sonic quarterstaff seemed
like a poor choice as the blades were certainly more effective in the
killing department.

KATE: Turn left, I think I saw Jack!
ERIK: Left as in your husband's pinko-commie leanings?

Good episode but please stop having people bring up that Kate's' husband was a spy and she never noticed. Every time Kate has a theory some asshat has to bring that up. It was getting old at the end of the first episode and it's not getting better.

I don't know, can one feng shui zombies?

I'm not totally buying the "I have two jaw-less Walkers as camouflage"
tactic. Season one Rick and Glen had to practically bathe in blood and
guts to hide among the zombies so I'm not sure how walking behind a
couple of leashed ones would stop the other walking dead from noticing
you. Still very good episode.

Shane Black has to win as the greatest producer of "Christmas Adjacent" movies.