
When did he get his marriage annulled? If he hadn't even gotten a divorce then he couldn't have gotten an annulment. Annulments take awhile so one couldn't have happened in this time frame. And he's no practicing Catholic.

Really? You're so tolerant you object to one (ONE!) lead character espousing some Conservative opinions and reading things written by a Conservative? It's not enough for you that practically every other character on most shows supports leftists positions. You have to freak out about the one who has political positions

It wasn't good either. I'm tired of the overly cutesy, everything is perfect sitcoms.

I love the actress who plays Stephie!

YEAHHH! I don't care about her stupid relationship. It's completely uninteresting and the problems in it are not problems caused by her relationship with the Doctor. It's not like she was in the relationship before she met the Doctor and is now ditching her responsibilities. She's just so rude and demanding. She was


She certainly did over stay her welcome. She's a total Mary Sue and was in way too many episodes.

I've generally found this season boring and much too Clara centered. Everything is about her and her life and her demands. The Doctor is pushed to a secondary character position and I don't like it. I watch the show to see the Doctor, not the companion, at the center of the show. I thought it couldn't get any worse

Meh. I get tired of her whole "i'm so cool" vibe.


Ah, too darn bad. /sarc Maybe they should sell something actually useful. But then they'd have to dabble in capitalism. The horror.

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I hate John Mayer and his pathetic music. There's so much better music out there.

This picture looks very unappetizing.

These reviews sound like they are written by a teenager on Tumblr who thinks "EVERYTHING IS ABOUT SEX!!!!" Boring. Lazy. Whine. Whine. Whine. Try some more deep thinking and intelligent thought. There's plenty of other things to write about in every episode.

I just get tired of feminists going on & on about sex. When men talk about sex they complain they can't think about other things. When they do it apparently they're just about "agency." If that's the only aspect of someone's character a reviewer/writer can talk about then it really is laziness. We are not purely

Lotte Verbeek's (Geillis) accent is atrocious!! She goes back and forth from an English-y one to an almost caricature-ish Scottish one. Couldn't they have found a Scottish actress?

Books are my favorite thing but I've never read these. Would you rather have a tv show viewed by people who haven't read the books (and have no idea how things will progress) which lasts a long time because it has a big audience or a series viewed only by the book readers which lasts a season because it doesn't have

Yes, I've found Claire rather boring, arrogant, and practically completely unlikeable. I don't know if it is the character or the actress though.

I haven't read the books but I got hooked on the 1st episode. It was a little slow in spots & I kept waiting for *the thing* to happen. How many scenes of her being bored at her husband do we need?

Then why bother with the stupid storyline anyway?