

Also, it's the only place I can rid of my useless pennies.

Only the, uh, city has just passed another tax on puffy directing pants.
-But I don't wear puffy pants!
I meant a, uh, tax on not wearing puffy pants.

Lip sync "Danke Schoen" on floats.

No, you are thinking of Steve Dahl and Garry Meier.

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

define precious and smug

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

upvoted for hatred

As if you don't take pleasure from punching down at Jews.

Hey, thanks for compiling a list of people I have never and will never upvote. It's like you are some kind of genius at dividing and conquering liberals.


*shoots Mehdi Akbar with a rifle*

Never seen either. Please explain why being satisfied is a negative trait. Oh, wait, being satisfied is only legitimate if you think it's appropriate?
PS Don't follow me just because I responded to your comment.

wtf is a novelty account lol