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frankly, no

fast forward through large chunks of flashbacks for season 3 and 4, you will catch up in no time

don't come back Barry. the show will be better off

Also where was Julian? They could afford Tom Felton for an extra episode?

they'll spend 90% of next episode moping about Iris then Barry will go back in time to prevent it and the writers will treat it as some goddamned great idea.

Fun episode up until Iris dies. A different show would have Barry save the day so he wasn't put through the ringer and have the season finale be about Killer Frost but the writers really love torturing Barry for some reason

Power dampener was in place all throughout ARGUS

I appreciate a show that is quick to reveal an obvious reveal like the cure works or who the bad guy is (looking at you The Flash)

so blue brain and the longer visions means the memory serum works and Blaine is back to being an evil asshole and Major will be fine. Seems obvious to me.

Odd filler episode of sorts so close to the end of the season. And you could just hear the writers saying to be continued with Helix for next season.

motion to extend the Legends seasons to 23 episodes and cut the Flash's to 17

So they mentioned Equatorial Kundu, which means iZombie takes place in the same universe as The West Wing.

it doesn't have to be stereotyping if done right. but they have the guy who ran Dexter into the ground running the show, so they don't really care about getting things right

always killing Wally in favor of Barry

he might as well have said nothing at all

they could forum shop and look for another circuit court to appeal to. if that's court upholds the ban there is a split among the circuits. Then get Gorsuch confirmed, and then take the appeal to SCOTUS. They'll here it if there's a split among the lower court.

the next four years are going to be like season 8 of the Office. terrible

hey there shitty shitty f** f** how do you do?

his speech is supposedly going to be 20 minutes.

Nuclear winter?