Rex Banner

I thought Moore looks back on his role fondly, although he admits he was way too old at the end

yeah, they probably should have just stuck with the adventure serial feel.

Power Man and Iron Foot

#13, the great Walter Matthau

Pray. For. JoJo.

Roku vs. Regita.

that's his title. Supernintendo Gary Chalmers

that's it, this family has held me back long enough. I'm going to join the cult of Scientology

no more Brangelinas

Es Muy Bueno

Miranda was Pam from Archer and I'm sad that she was so bad at wagering

Trump gets in a few zingers and the media will say that he held his own, despite being overmatched otherwise

oh and I maintain that if they want to maintain a consistent level of humor and stay fresh, it's time to bring in a new showrunner.

I know Harry Shearer is sick of doing the voices but is he actually sick because Mr. Burns sounds hoarse.

seriously, don't encourage more Family Guy

rewatch The Sopranos

