
Yes, I am Hamm

to be somewhat fair to GRRM, the World of Ice and Fire was more or less written by other people with him saying "sure, why not?" to most of it. And the novellas are pretty far between and he seems to abandon them just as frequently as the book projects. I think the real issue is the sheer scale of the novels he

yes, Selyse is like Samwell's cousin technically


the promos were clearly set later in the 70's than anything we've seen, several of the characters are wearing age makeup and Pete's hairline is receded further than it is in the series. I don't know if there was any reason for it other than the sense of "this is the 70's, everything is over"… although I would not be

the only reason I'd ever heard of Elizabeth Reaser is because her step father owned the Detroit Pistons. Hardly a name actress

don's car is haunted by betty's ghost

If I'm a Norse pagan of the good times
Iron Man's the sunlight
To keep Captain America on my side
Hulk demand sacrifice

I agree, it was established in episode ONE that she is impulsive and she is more than willing to prostitute herself for drugs behind Carter's back

Agreed, Mark would have been the better person to go to with those concerns.

I don't know how you missed "here we're just nobodies instead of famously incompetent California prosecutors… anyway he ended up in jail, so who loosened THAT jellyjar?"

loved that song Torn by Natalie Imbroglio

in the first few episodes specifically, he lapses into Irish. Which happens from time to time with English actors doing American, presumably because it's used as some kind of staging point accent.

post coital Foggy was pretty disgusting

I think Daredevil benefited immensely from name recognition and being first. I can imagine Jessica Jones being a hit, but a lesser one, and I'm kinda doubting that Iron Fist even sees the light of day before 2017.

well, most superhero names are pretty stupid. Anyone that takes itself even half seriously, like Batman, tries to find ways around ("I AM THE BAT"). The idea of someone making a suit and declaring himself the Daredevil is profoundly silly. I was kinda hoping he'd just stay "the Devil of Hell's Kitchen"

House McConaughey: You ever, like, drive a Lincoln through the West Texas back country? Feel the sun through the windows while the AC blows? Sometimes I feel like we're all stardust and stardust and stardust is what we come back to.

I really expected him to be the character to tie the shows to the movies… I mean, inserting him into little cameos in Captain America and Spider-Man would have been so easy that it seems like a waste now.

the H is O

Little Drummer Boy is another favorite… the sequel they did to that was weird, too.