
you'll have the four current Avengers + Black Widow + Hawkeye + Iron Man and Cap have sidekicks. Than add Ant Man, Doctor Strange, probably a couple others (people expect Black Panther and Ms/Captain Marvel). Add to this Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones as well as those superheroes appearing in Agents

Yeah… if they go this way, they have all of the post Cap 3 films (including ones that are only in the rumors stage now, like Planet Hulk or Ms. Marvel), Agents of SHIELD, the four Defenders series and anything else that might come up in between to hash this out in.

let's run that DNA from the traincar

Imma go out on a limb and say he meant Isaiah Mustafa, you know like he said.

Sherwood suuuuuuucked compared to Into the Dalek. Sorry, but a literal winking Robin Hood? #groan

I feel like there was a lot of appealing to fangirl types, yes. The whole thing in the early part with Vastra talking to Clara was as much preaching to the audience as it was to do with the character's emotional arc, imo.

I think that, realistically, the show probably won't get a planned out finale because one of the main cast will just drop dead before anyone involved has the balls to pull the plug. But if it was allowed to end on it's own terms, I'd want it to go out with wall to wall event episodes. Bring back EVERY character. Do a

meh, I'd rather watch random episodes than buy the DVDs. There's something vaguely nostalgic about it… a reminder of the late 90's when you could find quality Simpsons eps on several stations

I'm enjoying it, but at the same time I kind of wish there were breaks in it. Like the entirety of season 3 was buried between midnight and 10 am.

I took it as a critique of the British left wing and their constant complaints of there being no party to represent them and the level of apathy which results… when, I think the argument goes, the system exists for them to make themselves heard if they wanted to. They COULD vote Green or vote for entryist candidates