That whole kiss scene, Ward was acting so off. I think he was totally playing her. I mean, he spent the whole episode lying his ass off to cover his identity.
That whole kiss scene, Ward was acting so off. I think he was totally playing her. I mean, he spent the whole episode lying his ass off to cover his identity.
They dropped the ball on that tie-in ep, but I think they learned their lesson this time around.
Yeah I felt that whole scene was very fitting for the character. Fitz isn't physically strong, but his strength of moral fiber carried him through his fear. Great acting on Iain's part.
I TOTALLY called Ward being the traitor. His shadiness was just adding up, especially after last episode. I know a lot of fans (on tumblr, mostly) are still crying and denying his betrayal, but I really want to see Coulson or May or someone put a bullet in his head, if only for killing Hand. What a dirty way to kill a…
Textbook case of backpedaling-but-not-really. They probably want to placate the many fans upset at that ending but don't want to openly admit their folly in ending the show that way.
I enjoy most of Joss Whedon's work, but putting his brother on this show was unforgivable. The "Whedonverse" might be a profitable brand that inspires intense loyalty, but Jed's not living up to standards, and this is coming from someone who actually enjoys this show.
True, she could be Madame Hydra. I'm still not convinced though, especially considering the promo pics for the next episode.
Oh so you think she's evil? I never got that impression from her character before. Morally dubious, possibly, but not evil. But doesn't Fox own the rights to Viper? Since she appeared in The Wolverine?
It's less obvious than May working for Hand. Do you have any predictions as to who May is answering to?
I've been thinking that they're going to do Zodiac! Cpulson replacing Fury as Scorpio( I enjoyeBlake's line to May last night: " You look like a Scorpio"- a little hint at the future, perhaps?) And if Skye is truly Mantis, her father would be revealed as Libra. Plus, in the Patton interview, he mentions that the…
Really? You think May is working under Hand? I think the fingers so clearly pointing at May makes her the biggest red herring. She's probably keeping n eyes on Coulson under Fury's orders.
I think Skye is Mantis as well. As if the name weren't the biggest clue in the world.
Here's hoping that the writers have enough sense to not go that route… But that might be asking too much :/
In the next episode, Talbot enters the scene because the US military is making a play for the power vacuum that SHIELD leaves behind when it collapses, so I figure its a separate entity from the US government. Something the government was probably not happy about,
He was likely doing it under orders, like Cpulson suspects. He's likely the mole everyone thinks May is.
Agent Buff Hardbody is definitely the mole. They're using his affection for Skye as a cover for him conveniently killing Thomas Nash. I mean, Garrett's comments to Skye were almost textbook derailing.