Judah Rosenthal

So called intellectuals have done more harm to societies throughout history than any dictator. This notion that if one is educated means one is Liberal is so dumb as to be not worthy of even engaging in. And to lump in all conservatives with the religious nutbags is just as bad as lumping all Democrats in with the

Not trying to combat Conservative stereotypes, as I am not a conservative, I am a right leaning Libertarian, which these days equates to conservative cause the Left has gone off the far deep end of their beliefs.

Classical Liberalism? Or Liberals as they define themselves today?

Are you a cis gender white male?

Oh, right, RedOrbit!!! How could I forget about RedOrbit?!? Thanks. Are you a cis gender white male?

Oh, right, sorry. Thanks.

I know. Thanks.

Ok, thanks.



More of that stellar education on display. Liberals are obsessed with Stormfront, they think anyone not a Liberal is a white supremacist. All cause they're so educated. Liberals are quite tolerant of differing views, only problem is they don't think differing views actually exist.

Nope. Sorry. Your racism has been outed. You think if someone badmouths Mexicans, they're a racist, cause you either think Mexican is a race, or that all Latinos identify with being Mexican. Do white French people get mad when someone makes fun of white German people?

So you think since blacks are only 12% of the population that only 12% should make up the jail population? That's quite scientific of you, sweetie.

What research is that? How is that proven scientifically and not just anecdotally?

Zack, you're the one who thinks "Mexican" means all Latinos. I know quite a few Guatemalans and Venezuelans who hate Mexicans and have no problem with Trump. It's only Liberals who think all Latinos are Mexican.


Disproportionate minorities in prison? So everyone commits crimes at the same rate as their demographic composition in society? Who's controlling that? How do we make sure only 12% of blacks commit crimes? Is there some overseer who stops that 13th percentile?

You're born with choosing to be a woman?

It's true, Hillary never acts persecuted.

The implication that Liberals are educated is a funny one.