Sebas Tian

In fact, I slipped: it wasn't Steve ('Two') who was sacked, but Megan, though she was then re-hired once Derek became McChief. Neither has been seen for a while, though.

She was an excellent surgeon, and she had a fine monologue with the glasses thing… and she connected with one patient. Even if everything else was awful, that's already a lot more than Minnick. I love the actresses who play April, Amelia, Maggie, Jo (or whatever her name is) and Eilza, but their characters have become

I'd take Erica over Kepner, Amelia, Maggie, Wilson, Murphy, Minnick and even Cross and De Luca… combined!

For all we know, they could've all fulfilled her 'standards' prior to her sleeping with them. You may have a point, though…

Remember when we had Erica, Derek, Owen, Mark, Callie, Richard, Miranda, Izzie, Alex, Mer, Cristina, George and Lexie all at the same time? No Kepner, no Amelia, no whinny Maggie, no Wilson (or whatever her name is), no Minnick… those were the days!

The actress who plays Murphy spent some time shooting the new Insidious, but, then again, Edwards is there as well and she still managed to fulfil her GA commitments so … maybe just lazy writing.

It's more like fifty/fifty. Remember Erica, Preston, Shane, Addison, Callie, Cristina, Teddy, Virginia, Sadie, Izzie, Two, Syph Nurse, Shadow Shepherd, Stark, Pegasus Lady, Geena Davis, Aussie OB/GYN and Andrew? They all left the hospital but not the mortal coil itself… then there are others such as Spalding, Swender

The season six finale was a school shooting. Carter and Lucy were stabbed on Valentine's Day, which was February sweeps.

I liked her too.

Fully agree… when Arizona was first introduced, she had standards - slightly unrealistic standards (she initially rejected Callie because she was a 'newbie' and had only been with Erica, whereas Arizona had been a lesveteran) - but now it's like, 'oh, you're gay and you're hot, you'll do.'

Yeah, in Minnick's defence, it's not about whether you agree or not (most of us obviously don't), but about avoiding a lawsuit and potentially prison. It sounds awful, but it's also like the trolley problem: save a kid, spend a few years in gaol (from where you won't be able to save many people), or tearfully and


Quite a poor ep - three major characters were basically extras, another one didn't show up, the religious couple really annoyed me, it was basically a set-up for the finale but all too rushed … alas, poor friendzoned scrappy, but he sort of had it coming. I think Eliza's gonna be another psycho.

Taking an OR which had already been booked (by one of the board members, no less) is as low as one can swoop. Surgeries are more important than a two-second-long unrequited crush.

Arguably the worst episode of the worst GA season. I liked the Alex storyline, quite a tear-jerker and everybody involved did a great job. The main patient of the week was obnoxious - an interesting case but badly handled.

I think she may have mentioned Sofia (or the fact she had a daughter) when they went to see the pregnant girl in prison.

Loads of abusive people IRL are ridiculously sweet - sometimes excessively so - to the outside world. Plenty of wife beaters are people you would've never suspected of.

However, I'd prefer they explored that story instead: having Richard trying to become a sort of father, Maggie resenting him for never being there and/or resenting Ellis for never having told him, etc. Sex and romance are obviously important for people's lives, but they're not everything.

It's Shonda… everything's a contrived coincidence. Juice bloke could also be her husband … or even old Viagra man … or perhaps the pilot (he transitioned). Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Yeah, I think it makes sense. He was a former boss, colleague and friend but, compared to the other tragedies she's endured, he barely qualifies.