mike smith

I was always skeptical of that

I only saw one Oscar

And then Robin said "In case of a fire, Steven Spielberg gets out first" and the camera cut to a beaming Spielberg, who locked arms with George Lucas next to him as the two clutched each other with laughter

When Whoopi Goldberg said "our next presenter is an animated feature all by himself" and Robin Williams came running on stage

When Whoopie Goldberg screamed "A Bug's Life . . . was that the Linda Tripp story?"and everyone howled

"Also, as a naturally bony individual, I can tell you that we like being told to eat pizzas about as much as weightier people like being told to lay off the pizzas."

not a rosamund pike fan?

I think Star Trek Voyager did an episode on that Earhart thing

thank you, i had forgotten the title and any of the actors in it. i don't remember it being bad, just kind of bland.

"I drove to Florida for the funeral, I’m not even sure why.
I signed the guest book and grabbed a prayer card.
Someone had drawn a penis on it."

Was there another magician movie that came out around the same time? I clicked on this thinking it was an analysis of that and realize I haven't actually seen this.

I thought this movie looked and played like a video game. For all the talk about the difficult shoot, it was so fiddled with in post production they might as well have used cgi.

Very good point.

I agree. While his depiction of retail life in 40 year old virgin was as you say, heightened, it still had a certain charm to it. In Knocked Up he didn't even bother giving Seth Rogen a job (something about living off of a lawsuit I think) and Heigl was on track for a reporter job at E!

At least John Cho was the lead of Selfie, which is unfortunately still a super rare thing

"Degenerate gambler" -tony soprano

I don't think this show can really do justice to that thesis though, which seemed to be discarded from the very opening scene of the pilot. I would rather they just attempt to do a good, satisfying genre exercise relying on all of the tropes rather than soar above them like Grossman's books did.

I thought he stuck the landing in Revival

This was a really entertaining and surprisingly moving book. I pictured someone more along the lines of a Kyle Chandler in the lead role, but will give this a go.

i hear you loud and clear