mike smith

His beef is federal regulations prohibiting deceptive advertising.

These articles always make the rounds. The only people making money off these suits are the lawyers, not the guy who agreed to be the face of the class action suit for $4,000.

Ebert didn't hate the ladykillers

I suppose catching my private parts in my fly after seeing There's Something About Mary

Wait, are you referring to Dinosaur (2000)? That movie did have some pretty stunning landscapes and natural environments

I think Will Smith was attached to this project at one point.

I dig Hawke, but it's hard for me to not give the belt to Russell.

His idol is Nicolas cage so this makes sense

This movie is going to make so much money

I really have no idea. You ended up having the detective who found the glove committing perjury. The prosecutor dramatically demanding OJ try on the glove and it seemingly not fitting. And smack dab in front of a jury more susceptible to the defense argument of a police frame job.

-Change of venue (an acquital only could have happened in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom)
-The "glove didn't fit" which has become a bit of a joke over the years but is the kind of image that can destroy your credibility with the jury

"Okay? So why the hullabaloo?"

Dueling fire fighter movies with Jim Mickle also directing "Esperanza"

I wonder who the dads are going to be. Kevin James, Eric Stonestreet, and Lavell Crawford?

Hey, be nice. I helped cut the Signs trailer and we won an award for it.

I wonder if Ken Kratz feels left out

I feel like I've seen Ford and Bettany in something forgettable before

Kirstie Alley, was she a great big fat person?

I actually enjoyed that teaser as well, but was frightened to admit it because there was an article on the AV Club expressly saying how terrible it was.