mike smith

This was a really excellent book. Like a lot of Stephen King adaptations though, I could see what worked on the page being completely lame in a miniseries format.

Has to be Hanzee.

The shopkeeper betrayed his moment of kindness in sparing his life by calling the police in the first place. Was Hanzee coming back for revenge or to fix himself up?

You're exactly right. He's walking away as the police cars pull in.

I'm not even entirely sure what the plan was. Mike would have discovered Dodd wasn't there about 2 minutes into walking into the hotel room. Was the hope that he would confess to something incriminating so they could just bust in and arrest him right away? And if so what?

Were there really? I'll have to rewatch. I thought everyone else was dead and Lou took off before Milligan pulled up.

Oh geez that's embarrassing heh

Ted Danson's character was such a boss this episode

Too many city slickers, sorry.

It would actually be a pretty uncommon event for three dozen or so police and mobsters to shoot it out with each other and all perish. I accept that we're in TV land because some of the events on this show would have led to an insane amount of media coverage across the country and hundreds of FBI agents swarming the

Makes sense. They know nothing about him, no birth certificate, no past etc. as the narrator says.

Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan is practically the east coast (I'm from Minnesota)

Anyone else pause their TV and read the book at the beginning? I wish I hadn't because that narration about Hanzee's vulnerability being seen by Ed and Peggy was in there. I did like the back story on Peggy though. Mother died of cancer when she was 10, lived essentially friendless in the middle of nowhere with no

No, I definitely meant peruse! I come in peace.


I was hoping for more than 15 end of the year albums. Looks like I will purge the comments for recommendations.

Okay that makes sense. So Into Darkness was a humongous flop.

George Lopez was Carlos the Cat in Marmaduke, and Papi the Chihuahua in Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Were people really not into that first Star Trek movie. I thought it was considered very successful.