mike smith

Last thought: I actually thought the actress that played Simone did a nice job with what she was given. The woods scene wasn't great, but kind of unfair to ask her to live up to that incredible turturro performance.

Any thoughts on how Ed got Mike's number . . . this is a setup right? A trade off with the Gerhard's to stop coming after him?

"I suppose the two cops Hanzee shot in Sioux Falls could be the “Sioux Falls massacre,” but I doubt it"

They give Tom Scharpling a lot of deference. Might be something to do with the pending lawsuit.

So he's responsible for Larry Bird's remarkably wooden performance

yeah I could definitely see kids enjoying this quite a bit

I wouldn't be surprised if Stallone got a Best Supporting Actor nomination for this. He's that good in it.

Real Rob kills two people in this trailer

No, in all sincerity I thought this was a wonderful piece. I have been championing Unbreakable for a long time ever since I saw it with my son Thanksgiving weekend.

I love the good natured ribbing on this site.

Between this and the Scorsese piece, the AV Club is really off to one hell of a week. Are these new writers representing a fresh infusion of talent or old hands, capable and battle tested? I am relatively new to the website.

Those are fighting words. There are a lot of holes in the desert, Harvey!

You are a good man. Keep up the fine work, I have been visiting this website and enjoy the writing immensely.

I also purposely left out another damaging entry to my noble cause . . . can you identify it?

Way to pick on the runt of the litter I named!

Good movies, but are they really as "vital" i.e. important/essential as Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and Casino? The crotchety old man in me says "Fat chance, AV Club!"

Definitely an inside joke.

No, he's definitely legitimately pissed about this one.

Mr. Colbert could have gone to HBO and done whatever type of show he wanted. But he chose Late Night, and that means he'll have to dance if he knows what's good for him.

I saw Michael Moore in a Perkins once. He was by himself eating a "Tremendous Twelve."