
Is nobody going to mention Zuko'a adorkable smile when Aang called him smart?

Is Gaang Goku and Aang or the Aang Gang?

Don't forget about Sapphire Fire/Kuzon Fire

I mean, they had sort of foreshadowed Katara's dislike of her father in "The Earth King" when Katara's had told Sokka to go instead of her. Really she didn't want to face him.

I think he had said "Perfection" and power are overrated.

Does leaves from the vine mean something or something?

Moral of Appa's adventure in the circus: Trust anyone that looks like Aang.

Sokka's always been the smartest in the group. Jet, the fortune teller, his work with the Mechanist, etc.

I didn't think Toph had been to Nah Sing Se before, just that her being in high society, she knew more about it than the general public. Even Aang knew a bit about it.

I thought they explained Toph. She can only see with Earth around her. If something's touching the same ground she is, she can see them. Ice isn't the same as ground. She couldn't have made a bridge.

I liked the second half of Chase, although the beginning I found really annoying. Mainly Katara. She was so annoying in this episode and acted like such a diva. Fair enough she was tired, but I don't think Katara had ever acted like a diva before.

Where's the momo/appa ship?

The Avatar state is truly terrifying. Uncontrollable and fuelled by anger. It's awesome to see it.

I think it made perfect sense that Aang would hide it. First, Soka and Katara are the only family he's got. He doesn't want to lose them. Second, there's a bit of a parallel to when he got trapped in the iceberg. He felt like his family, the Southern Air Temple abandoned him. Sort of. And now Sokka and Katara are

I liked how he had to lie. It showed that the real story didn't actually matter, as long as they thought they didn't have to fight. Although it would have been better if hey had just accepted that history was history.

Is it just me or was the general who suggested killing the new recruits the same as the warden from "imprisoned"?