
#1 Seinfeld: The Contest… Unless AV Club writers pull some hipster bullshit they are so prone to do.

I think Comedy Central does a really good job of letting the talent go. The creators of the shows get free reign to do what they want with little network interference. Just like HBO. Hopefully more networks follow their lead.

True Detective, House of Cards, Fargo, Sons of Anarchy, Penny Dreadful are in top 10… This second season of OITNB was terrible. I don't agree with its' inclusion.

My apologies.


Criminally underused Keegan Michael Key

I just rewatched this episode and it is still so pants shittingly bad. How in the world did this show turn into this? I have no fucking idea how somebody could put in that Will talking to his dad subplot. Maggie is the most unlikable character on television with Don a close second. This episode is equivalent to that

Oh so we can only talk about the rape plot? We shouldn't even acknowledge the rest of the episode? Get off this comment section.

This episode does deserve a D- solely on that song and that shitty Ghost Dad stuff with Will at the end. RIP CHARLIE

Yo so when does this article review the episode? This entire thing was criticizing how they handled rape. Save that for the other 103034802 articles on the internet doing so and stick to what this is about reviewing The Newsroom.

Also how can you release this list before Bill Burr's special comes out?

The AV Club really needs to stop forcing Cameron Esposito on everybody. I understand you want a different perspective and a diverse group of comedians, but her stuff is borderline hack material.