
I was thinking the same thing. She has no chemistry with Crane.

Not to mention he is better looking and a better actor. He does not even give the best performance of Holmes on tv now.

No that would be the one where he almost rapes Pamela.

He was quite good in Fargo playing someone different they what he usually plays.

I am surprise that that they did not give directing to Orange considering Jodie Foster was the one nominated. You know how the Emmys like giving awards to movie stars plus i think she would have been the first female to win a directing Emmy.

Fuck i would take the Bing Bang Theory over it at least it would be something different.

All of those lives that were destroyed just for he can save his stupid bitch of a wife who is going to die anyways.

I remember watching the first episode of this show and groaning when Sokkie said that the he reminds her of a movie star on TCM. Even the worst most boring movie star is a hundred times better then this dude.

Since i don't know the Masters and his assistants name i am going to call them Burns and Smithers.

I seen countless episodes of the new Who but i have let to see any Cybermen ones.

They are not terrifying to me i actually think they are kind of cute but there voice could get annoying quick. I can see how kids could be scared of them but none of the Who villains are scary most of them are rather silly.

I blame that spoiled brat more. He could have easily not choose to do what he did to Varro. It is a shame that this show gets so few comments while Game of Thrones get shitloads which are mostly just the same ones repeated.

Funny thing you should mention your local video store the one i used to go to growing up is still open for some reason. It would be better to mention your cites main library instead.

That is a good thing The Doctor is a alien so i doubt he has the same parts as a human even though he looks like one.

I rather see that then the countless times they show that commercial for that sappy red band series. I am also tired of them showing the Gotham one and where in the hell is the Joker.

Or Weeds he is just a stereotype in that.

He has a good chance next year with most of the dudes nominated this year not being eligible. The only one that is going to be nominated at next years Emmys is Jon Hamm.

It makes sense now that Conner's dad would overreact to Jude patting Conner on the back episodes ago. His dad probably has known for a while that his son could be gay.

Those do suck but they should have had the last one be #bayisstupid.

Adult Swim would be a good fit i think the show should get more adult since most of the viewers of this show are not kids anyways. FX is another good choice they could use another hit animated show with Archer being there only one ever.