
Yes they did they did not show the slave Baituas was raping at all. I am glad i stuck with this show after the 300 knock off first episode. Sucks that the actor that played Spartacus died so young he is quite good hopefully the dude that replaced him was decent. I was wondering is SYFY going to show the complete

Speaking of Cookie it would have been nice to see a cameo. He should be out of the hospital by now. I also liked Marcline's 50s biker chick look. Maybe if this show gets more popular with girls we will see some fashion dolls made. It would be a lot better then those cheap looking disney princess and Barbie dolls.

I have not seen every Doctor Who but why is his main companion always a female. I have let to see any of the classic Who so i don't know if they ever had a regular sidekick on the Tardis that was a male. It is stupid to complain about it while Doctor Who is always played by some white dude.

I think they are jumping the gun here they should wait until the movie comes out to see if it is a hit. I never heard of it until this past year but i am not a comic book reader. From the commercials it sort of reminds me of Firefly and Futureramma.

Just watched the episodes i missed on Netflix. The thing i notice about Jesus is that all his story lines throughout the show have always involved some girl. The writers need to give him different story lines next season or just get rid of him. It was also nice to see more of Wyatt not being the perfect boyfriend and

I somehow miss the penis removal i really only pay attention to this show when old pawnbroker dude comes on and the vampire action. It it is like The Walking Dead in that way a show to have on in the background while you do other things. There are way too many characters that hold no interest to me like the Chris

Most of those noms were for Fargo and that turd Coven.

It is on Netflix which is where i watched it.

I had this album growing up but i don't recall anyone in my household that actually listen to the thing. My mom only bought it because it was for a good cause. It does bring back memories of me and my brother being bored and writing over a lot of my moms records.

Too bad this show is not more popular it would be cool if they were to bring back that Appa pillow buddy. Not to mention stuff animals of Pabu , Naga and the other cute creatures this show has.