Heather Wallace

nononono. Michelle Rodriguez.

interesting, cos it originates with middle-class and the rich where you'd be named for a godparent. 'josiah jackson smith' which would get shortened to 'jackson smith' due to there being five josiahs in your family.

noooooooo! Dustin, you have more self respect than this! (I read the original adaptation. SO BAD.)

Go google 'Jimmy Saville' and then try not to vomit copiously. Once you're done bathing in bleach, the answer is 'because he got off on it and was rich enough and had enough friends in high places to not get arrested.

clay figure was always incredibly dumb. I was so happy when Azzarello changed it to 'Zeus is the daddy' because the whole precedence in mythology thing, and explains why the gods kept bothering her.

already happening in the uk in the banking industry - a bunch of internships got sold off at a charity dinner for the millionaire end of the government.

quick note: apparently Brad Pitt was trying to quit smoking on the first Ocean's Eleven, so they incorporated the snacking into the character.