Vicente Garcia

The actual cannibal arc was just 3 episodes (season 5, 1-3). It felt like a lot longer since they stretched the pre-cannibal arc (the road to terminus) into EIGHT FREAKIN' EPISODES. (Season 4, 9-16). We only actually meet the cannibals at the very end of S4E16, and they're dead by S5E3.

It will—they're doing an iconic scene from the comics in the next premiere. They SHOULD'VE done it now while all the tension was built up, but Gimple seems to love stretching out cliffhangers as long as freakin' possible. (See: "they're screwing with…"; Glenn; this episode, etc)

I'm a fan of GIRLS and even I thought this episode was bad. I didn't laugh once…jeez, I didn't even crack a smile.

5 years later and this remains my favorite Mad Men ep.
"Hey, my mother made that!"

"…and at this point, we're just waiting to see if it's Bethany, Phoebe,
Allison, some other secretary, or - odds-on favorite - Faye herself."

This is the episode were, as an aspiring screenwriter/director, I finally realized: HOLY SHIT this hits close to home and is realistic. No one is Hollywood is really happy.

It's not "dumb shit", it's dumb writing. The magical "silent zombie" that killed Tyreese? Beth "sacrificing" herself? Maggie not mentioning Beth until the last moment? All of that is just bad writing, not bad character motivation.

Also, between the Beth/Atlanta fiasco, the mess of a character that is Father Gabriel, "Maggie forgets she has a sister", the rushed as-fuck Terminus cannibals, and now this lackluster finale…I think TWD needs *another* new showrunner.

If Gimple's past series work in any indication, the Wolves are gonna be quickly introduced and then killed off all within the first couple episodes of next season, right? This Gimple guy is way too much set-up/too little payoff.

When the camera panned back to reveal Tad sitting right there, head down, my jaw literally dropped. That was single-handedly the cruelest thing I've ever seen on T.V.—and I'm all caught up on Game of Thrones.

10pm?! Most streets shut down at sundown, lol. You can walk down some streets as the sun is going down and you'd think the annual Purge was gonna start, judging by the way everyone closes up shop.

You're not gonna like Jesus then, lol