
That "Paper Planes" joke was just the best.

Who promoted The Beeper King?? I sure hope he's sticking around for a while!

Can we please have a season free of B6-13! This episode gave me some hope.

I don't know if it's because my expectations were low, but that wasn't bad!

Jason Ritter was pretty perfect the whole season!

It looks fantastic and certainly has promise. I also really enjoyed the coffee mug gag.

I thought this was pretty brilliant.

Yeah, still not overly impressed, but it's heading in the right direction.

Truly amazing. It's not looking good but I hope we get a fourth season, there's nothing like this on TV and nothing could replace it. I am sad.

Definitely a step up from the pilot, not helping the neighbours was cold!

"Choke on your own dick." I didn't know how much I needed to hear Christina Hendricks say this until tonight. Also, "yum yummy vaginas, right boys?" I'm gonna miss this.

A pretty slow start but there's enough there for me to be invested. The characters need a bit more personality but I'm sure that will come in time.

Sometimes a comedy just wants to be funny, and this was. Fucking A!

I. Loved. This.

I know the actor is a man and the character isn't. It was a typo, I do apologise.

More Whiterose please, she was just all kinds of fabulous.

All forms of elephant killing are acceptable. It is world elephant day after all.

"Can you imagine canoeing on a lake of elephant blood? I think it would be magical." You took the words right out of my mouth Freddie.

Frankly, I loved this episode.

In relation to most of the season it was pretty OK.