
melodically the lines are pretty different as well. the rest of the stuff in the songs really can't be copyrighted.

Stairway doesn't really cop from Taurus, at least in the ways that legally matter. Chords, chord progressions, rhythms, effects, etc… can't really be copyrighted (they are too universal, it would be like an author trying to copyright the letter "R") Melody and lyrics are typically what can be copyrighted and sued

listened to the video…not really much of a case. The only really similar things cant be copyrighted (chords, effects, tempo, etc…) and the things that can be copyrighted are either non-existant (lyrics) or pretty different (melodies) even in the small snippit of music they are claiming was stolen

you do realize that just saying you were plagiarized doesn't make it true, right? musically, there is not a lot of claim here (considering you can't copyright chords, rhythms, tempos, effects, etc…) The only copyrightable materials are lyrics and melodies, and from the video, there are substantial differences bar