
Pain and Gain hightlighted the frustrating fact that both Wahlberg and Bay are actually pretty talented when they really knuckle down and make an effort. But both of them have been so richly rewarded to just phone it in that there really is no incentive for them to give more than 11%.


I was just thinking about Bay's other decent movie Armageddon, and how he was able to accentuate the otherworldly beauty of Liv Tyler's eyes. And she WAS an elf.


Yes, they should have stopped at one Transformers. Oh the arrogance of man!

I love/hate Armageddon too. I remember seeing it in the biggest screen I had ever visited on a trip to LA. The opening New York scene took my breathe away. For me, it summed up the late 90s, when America was at the peak of it's confidence in itself to save the world through ingenuity and daring. I'm not sure you could

Ha, that reminds me of the haircut scene. Back in good ole 1996, when you could add a scared mincing gay character as comic relief.

On the flip side, his worst movie produced the cure for cancer.

It was a nicely filmed scene. The Palace of Fine Arts in a beautiful location (has it been used in many other films?), and Forlani's eyes are as blue as the ocean.

That was an action movie, kinda. And I cant' see anything else on Wikipedia. Her film career was short and sweet.

"Look how big this is. You want me to stick this into my heart????"

I was disappointed to find out that you don't dissolve into goo when you come into contact with VX. Sometimes i feel like everything in that movie was a lie.

Fair Game.

I'm not a soldier, Major.The day we took hostages we became mercenaries. And mercenaries get paid! I want my FUCKING. MONEY!

Raising Arizona! C'mon guys.

God what a weird film. My only strong memory is of that shot near the beginning in Naziesque Washington DC with that poor lady strapped to a table in some kind of torture bikini. And of course the very beginning, where Pamela is nude on a swing getting hosed down. They don't make em like that anymore.

Hey AV Club film reviewers! You should start every review by saying "It's no Die Hard but…"

I have to disagree with you on The Fan being an incredible thriller. I did not find it incredible, nor thrilling. For me it was a warmed over "Fatal Attraction" remix.

Possibly one of the weirdest facts about The Rock is that it indirectly played a part in the invasion of Iraq. One of the coalition's WMD sources claimed to have seen a massive stockpile of VX rockets, describing them as filled with green glass balls in a string of pearls configuration. This was clearly nonsense- the

And Die Hard 2 at least deserves a little love.