
I'll never really be able to hear this album with fresh ears, as I heard many of the bands they influenced long before I found my way to the originals. It was only after years of VU name-checking that I finally checked them out… and they were every bit as great as advertised.

I always hated that he walked out on the wedding. Xander had many faults, but the one thing he was not was cowardly. If anything, he was the bravest character on the show, always going headlong into danger despite being the one major character without any sort of powers.

They turned Mystique into a major headlining character, and never even got into her and Destiny's roles as Rogue's parents. Which was one of the best subplots of the Claremont era.

I enjoyed the Sabbat variant of The Masquerade, if only for the peeling away of the veneer of heroism. It was fun to essentially write your own moral code from scratch.

The biggest failure of the X-movies, of which there are many, is how poorly they have served the female characters. Claremont's X-Men has a rich cast of great women, more than the rest of the Marvel Universe combined (especially if you give him credit for saving Carol Danvers).

That book is a fantastic read. I'm loathe to say any genre of music is inherently bad or racist, but… Lords of Chaos got me to that point on Scandinavian death metal. They are not remotely kidding.

Yeah, just by county. Dallas was Hillary's 2nd strongest county, too.

I love living in Dallas precisely because the rest of Texas hates us. We've got great food, beer, and music. All without every hipster within 1000 miles descending on our town and its overwhelmed physical plant.

Saying I-35 sucks a bag of dicks is part of the pathway to Texas citizenship. Except for the exit to West and the Czech Stop. Oh, those delicious kolaches.

I know no fellow Gen-Xer who likes Hall and Oates. I know a metric shit ton of Millennials who do, because they suck. At least the ones who like Hall and Oates do.

I used to wear intentionally ugly shirts in high school. For Christmas, my girlfriend bought me a box of remainders from Goodwill by the pound. They were amazing, and it's one of the best gifts I ever got. About 50 gasp-inducing ugly shirts. Xander and I were on the same fashion wavelength.

Must be all of the Australian punters he recruited.

Finally, Les Miles' clapping technique is vindicated.

I think a win for LA LA LAND would have doomed its reputation as an "undeserving winner". Losing this Oscar, particularly in a fashion that sort of tracks the climax of the film, will likely save its reputation as a beloved underdog.

That is so cool. I love when long-time pros finally get their big moment.

Agreed. But Suck It and See is the canary in the coalmine for the noxious stinkbomb that is AM.

I hung in on the Arctic Monkeys as long as I could. I defended Humbug, even though it was a new direction. I liked them trying stuff out, even if it didn't all click. But Suck It and See was that "return to form" record that was just… boring. AM is them finally just becoming a solid, professional arena rock band.

You have my axe. It's the pop punk version of Zen Arcade. There are worse albums to try and emulate.

I was listening to the first album in my car, and the Posette refused to believe it was the same Kings of Leon.

Took my answer. Even their B-sides collections were great. Crimson is the moment they seemed to be trying too hard. they always had an emo image, but Crimson is just silly.