Sporty Spice

I thought about this a bit. I found it a bit sad that the veterans would all act like this but at the same time I know and have talked to guys who have been over to Iraq and they did some horrible things there. And many have no resentment for it. Those are the types of people who would probably take a job like this

I would say this is my favorite season although Season 1 was fantastic.

For anyone who may be interested in this article about private prisons from a journalist who worked in one for 4 months… it seems a lot in this season is spot-on (which makes me sadder). https://t.co/eU1vjlOZyl

I was checking OnDemand last Thursday because I thought too much time had passed between episodes - forgetting that the first episode had just aired the previous Monday. I wondered if I should wait and binge watch when it was done but nope - I can't. The show is addicting. So often I have tv on in the background but

Based on articles and stories I've read about real Russian spies during this time - having kids was the norm and encouraged. As someone said below, it helped them blend in and become "normal".

I ended up enjoying it. I thought the concept actually worked well for those very familiar with all of the apps. My son really liked it too. I thought the ending scene when the birds 'attack' was the best.

I'm from Michigan and I'm not sure if I should be angry that my fellow Michiganders don't know if Mr. T is alive or proud that they care enough to ask.

I can appreciate people's issues with this episode but I laughed quite a bit at the physical comedy in the airport. Louis and Gene fighting over who would carry the suitcase cracked me up. I thought it was a great bit of physical acting and "Chinese polite fighting" was funny. Unfortunately, I can imagine my son will

That could be… it gives me hope though as I imagine I'll be seeing it this weekend.

I watch it via DVR as well. I often put it on as background to something else I'm doing so don't always fast-forward but often do.

This episode of The Middle is now one of my all-time favorites.

Farewell Mr. Bunting is the type of sketch I wish SNL would do more of… It was shocking and unexpected and actually made me say, "whoa!" out loud before bursting into laughter.

That makes no sense.

My son is dying to see this. He loves the games. Loves the birds. I don't want to go. But he'd such a sweet boy. Ugh. I hated Rio 2 with a passion - do I also suffer through this for the sake of my dear boy?

I can't get over how much I love this show. Lily and Jane are amazing actresses and I'm so happy there is a show for them. It's a shame more actresses their age don't get their own shows. I never realized just how amazing Jane Fonda is. I have always loved Lily Tomlin and both of them are so beautiful. I thought this

I love this show. It makes me laugh on a regular basis.

Hannah's story was amazing. The show has had moments where it's really moved me but that just hit home with me I guess. I have always cringed at yet applauded Hannah's ability to just be herself. I could never stand in front of my mother and say those truths.
Elijah's moments were fantastic as well.

I didn't see it as her being out of line - just annoying and helpless. It's spit-up, not fire. Adam was doing something with the baby and she was quite capable of going into the bathroom and cleaning up. She could bring a towel out if she can't reach but her reaction was one of immaturity.

What? I love this show. I think it is often unique and different. I guess not enough people comment here (my work computer is so bad that I can barely even read this site) to make it worthwhile? That's a pity.

Parents can relate to this. I have thrown away many.