Sporty Spice

I finally got to watch this. I enjoyed it. Dangit… I didn't think I'd tear up at the end of the show. I thought that last moment between Raylan and Boyd was perfect. I swear I saw tears in Timothy's eyes. I say Timothy's because we know Raylan wouldn't tear up.

I have to say… Mikey surprised me. I had no idea he would be THAT loyal to Winn. Although, really… what did he expect? He'd call them, they'd say "Oh, ok. Now we know so he won't do it again. See ya Winn!" But that is one tough MF-er though.

Here you go m_squared

"It’s so silly, but my biggest laugh all episode is Krieger slapping the doctor’s bald head for no good goddamn reason."

There's such thing as forgiveness and growth. I'm pretty sure many people - if not the majority - have given people second chances in life. Sometimes those second chances lead to beautiful things.

I thought this was the best episode of Girls I have seen. The scene between Adam and Hannah was great. I kept saying, "No! Don't do it!" and she didn't. And Ray's buddy (boss, friend, I can't remember what he is specifically) telling Shosh to be the walker, not the dog. Beautiful. I actually will remember that.

When they stated that Kimmy was running away to OHIO! OHIO of all places I laughed and laughed (I'm pretty sure it was this episode). As someone from Michigan, that joke landed so well. I laughed the most at the last 3 episodes. I thought they were so well done.

That was a hilarious detail!

“I prefer my students in ponytails so I can imagine them as ponies.”
I laughed so hard at this - it was so absurd and yet seems like something someone like that would say.

RIP Choo-Choo. I fell asleep as I started watching and finally finished last night.

Hey! Like me!

I keep telling people to watch and they look at me with a blank look on their face. Idiots!

I think one can be highly intelligent but at the same time dumb where common sense is concerned (I know because I was once married to someone like that). That's how I felt about Choo-Choo.

As I watched last night I thought, "Wow, he really is going to die by train." and when the train slowed to a stop, I couldn't help but chuckle. RIP Choo Choo.

I'm just starting the episode and they are making me care about Choo Choo!!!!

The 90's still had video stores with adult sections. I know this for a fact. I mean… um…

Exactly! And he said something else (I'm too old to remember) that was super smart. And then he just knocks (kills) the dude the fuck out with one punch.

Choo Choo kills me. He's intelligent yet so stupid at the same time.

When Winston made the heart-shape with his fingers surprised that it isn't how real hearts are shaped… lol.

I totally missed it!