
"Roxanne" (1987). Criminally underrated film.

"…but it turns out that it’s not as universally derided as some corners of the internet may have led you to believe."

I'm guessing he lives in Los Angeles. Flying from LA to London (where the film was shot) for one day and then immediately flying back doesn't sound all that appealing. That's probably 14 hours on a plane each way.

"Still, Willems’ overall critique is a solid one. Batman V Superman is the perfect example of a film that can’t seem to figure out what its characters want or why they do the things they do."

"The Next Generation was filmed onto tapes…"

"Simple. You make a redemption story for Batman. Have him learn to regain his faith in his initial ideals again."

The problem is that you went into the film with a preconceived set of expectations and biases and were disappointed when the film didn't conform to what you wanted. It's a much more pleasant experience if you accept the film for what it actually is on its own merits and accept the story that the filmmakers wanted to

"The overly-saturated thing he generally does looks cheap and trashy to my eyes. The Marvel movies are boring but at least those generally have some balance of color and design to them - all of Snyder's stuff is one giant Instagram filter by comparison."

"Somewhat shockingly, at least 3,500 people seem to agree with Huneycutt’s appreciation for Snyder’s joy-free superhero slogs, signing on to the idea that DC’s cinematic universe can only catch up to the diversely directed MCU by keeping things in the hands of a single, “Martha!”-shouting creative voice."

I think she was an interesting and engaging writer who seemed to have no idea how movies were actually made. Plus, she thought DePalma was better than Hitchcock. Unforgivable.

I'll never understand how that happened either since The Last Emperor was released in 1987 and E.T. was released in 1982.

As someone who loved Man of Steel and BvS but hated (hated!) Suicide Squad, this doesn't bother me. Both MoS and BvS had long gestation periods (BvS's original release date was delayed by almost a year) and turned out great (I know this is a contrarian opinion), whereas SS was rushed into production after a six-week

After being completely underwhelmed by The Force Awakens and Rogue One, I have almost zero interest in this film.

If by "fun" you mean "repetitive, glib, and predictable," then I agree.

I think "The Witches of Eastwick" is his best score. So unlike the rest of his oeuvre.

Wow. It's almost as if these characters are malleable enough to allow for a variety of interpretations (dark and serious in the films, bright and light in animation, and somewhere in between on the CW shows). One would think that the critics and whiny fanboys who have a bias against the dark and serious versions of

"Hill is bearing her soul."

I actually thought that "Dracula Untold" was surprisingly pretty decent in a pulpy sort of way.

Stil bummed we never got a third Tim Burton Batman film. Would have loved to have seen his version Billy Dee's Two-Face.

This is the AV Club so let's talk about how something derivative and pandering is infinitely better than BvS because reasons.