
This author blogger is garbage. Trumps trash, but not everyone has to align perfectly with your liberal snowflake beliefs, else be called "neo-nazi" or "so called christian." I'm willing to wager actual Trump voters (dumb as they may have been to vote that way) do more to help the poor than you ever have. Keep SJW'ing

Too much time is wasted on a middling Walking Dead

Too bad he costs 20 mana to cast and sacrifices 2 other cards. Nerf it!

Thats for his hands…its a Hand Pump.

Cool, the article posted on Deadspin two days ago.

Gotcha. I imagine I felt the same way the first time focusing on the dialogue as opposed to the atmosphere (agree that happens in all subtitle movies w/ me too). Watching it a bunch of times though, I pretty much know whats being said now and can pay attention to everything else.

Few scenes draw me in so much that my blood pressure spikes and Im subconciously trying to think of ways out of the situation (as if I were the farmer). This scene does that, even after watching it several times. Its a scene so perfectly put together…dialogue, acting, placement, props…that it'd be reason enough to

Your standards are very high.

Why do you guys keep posting pictures of JJ Abrams with these stories????

When did JJ Abrams start reporting for MSNBC? That guy can do it all.

They dont know how to appreciate it! Also, f yo couch!

Grab my hand. Other hand. MY other hand. *slaps back of your head

*face goes slack in fear…jumps up to run out of house, immediately plants foot in used bedpan next to pc…slips and hits head on slop-bucket knocking self out*

I'll drink to that, brother!

We gotta get rid of all these zombies immigrants, Coral!

Same…every time I see a documentary like this I suddenly have a hankerin' for Ding-Dongs and BBQ.

*stumbles into new comment section with 1 hr to spare, panting from running from shitter in bathroom 8 feet away*

Not all….Mantle-Ocean Truthers, unite!!!

Visit vicious internet trolls in their own homes with this stomach-churning documentary

Youre talking about the left, right?