
…or to just "mostly" dead?

"Now hurry girl and pull my finger!" *holds out digit stumps and gives patented bearded Uncle Davos grin*

Hey Sandor, you keep eating them stews you never gonna make it to a pension.

Approaching Only-Findable-Via-Netflix-Search

I dont feel good…

Maybe its your eyes…

Tom Jane is Cap…"I just want my Bucky back."

Farts, youre right…welp, Im done with this show. Cant even friggin realisitically depict sea navigation time…these writers must think we're idiots. *sets DVR to record Naked and Afraid*

Said no guy ever.

If society crumbles due to Elliots hack, you can be gauranteed at least one scene of him happily sipping his own urine out of a martini glass.

So him and The Punisher share an armory???

"Boom! I shot you now youre dead!"

Look, its not really about MAKING money so much as, can I have some.

Nope…it was called "The City That Couldnt Slow Down: Electric Boogaloo".

Counterpoint: Tay enna wyn! Tay enna wyn!

I love you all, Marta.

Yeah. Those guys are herp-derping plebs.


—Visitor at AVClub