Jason Lee

I loved it too! Hell, even AV Club loved it, it made it on to the 2012 Best of TV list! (which makes it a bit odd that this writer seems to be dismissing it, maybe he wasn't around back then or doesn't remember)

You say this as if that wasn't supposed to be the whole point of the song in the first place.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!




"Please tell your friends about this show"

For what it's worth, the shaking tree part of the challenge looked pretty cool in the challenge preview video that CBS put up. It looks like the Survivors didn't get the intended technique down quite right: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Not even SNL fans think Jost is funny, he is at best "acceptable" or "has promise".

"the later Step Up movies have a lot in common with the later Fast & Furious films. Certainly, the progression of these two franchises is similar: Both gradually abandon the relative grittiness of their opening chapters, growing bigger, sillier, and gaudier with each new entry."

I can't wait for that third song in the trilogy, "Demand and Supply"

Well…yeah, that's the whole point of that verse: that he was being really stupid thinking he was gay just because he was exhibiting what he thought were gay stereotypes, as opposed to, y'know, legitimately finding men attractive. It's about how easy it is to buy into a simplified idea of homosexuality, especially