
It's just a heavy movie with nothing good to say about humanity. It's also excellent. Just grim.

I think they're both more conventional 'horror' than this was and had far less ambiguity. People hate ambiguity.

It Comes At Night is the best bad time I've had at the movies in awhile. Worth seeing in a crowded theatre.

Your pointed question is disingenuous and now I'll ask a pointed question of my own: Why discuss race in media? Because it matters. Why so hostile to the notion?

Dirty Coop is his name and it is night. Don't take it any further than that.

Diane, I feel like it would be a mistake to walk into this show with an expectation of any sort.

That was my take. Seems right 👍

Wow. Good find.

Dirty Coop 'created him' so he would be returned to the red room in his place.

I've had that conversation a few times over the last 25 years and always enjoyed it.

I think this is a valid point. Jade is likable, but that doesn't change the fact that the first black character in the return was a nude prostitute. I think it speaks well of Lynch that Jade is ultimately likable and human, but it doesn't alter that original fact. This is why people are trying to discuss this. No one

There was the prostitute and 'thug with gun'. See? Diversity…

There is one goon and it is worth mentioning.

He doesn't.

He's not right about that though.

I think watching it unfold slowly and then watching it as an eighteen hour movie will be very different experiences.

Maybe? What's the connection to Hawk's heritage?

Ugh. Get over yourself.

Well, I'm not reading that bullshit.

Not named after Waldo?